Google charts and MySQL
I was working on some projects that needs to use charts in the application ,so ,after a long search in the web ,here is my solution .
right now I am developing two types of charts
- real Time
- Static charts
In this article, I will show your how to fetch data from database to use it on the google Line charts to create beautiful and customisable charts for your future projects. .
It is practically impossible to imagine any dashboard without graphs and charts. They present complex statistics quickly and effectively. Additionally, a good graph also enhances the overall design of your website.
2.What is google charts ?
The Google Chart API is a tool that lets people easily create a chart from some data and embed it in a web page. Google creates a PNG image of a chart from data and formatting parameters in an HTTP request.
read more :GoogleAPI
read more :GoogleAPI
start your Wamp server and then create this files in WWW folder (C:/wamp/www)
config.php:define the settings for the application
get_feeds:fetch data from data base
4.Create database
Database name is :google_charts
table name:mychart
table name:mychart
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mychart` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `axe_x` text NOT NULL, `axe_y` text NOT NULL, `time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=101 ; -- -- Contenu de la table `mychart` -- INSERT INTO `mychart` (`id`, `axe_x`, `axe_y`, `time`) VALUES (1, '0', '30', '2016-04-13 20:52:15'), (2, '1', '90', '2016-04-13 20:52:15'), (3, '2', '36', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (4, '3', '85', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (5, '4', '87', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (6, '5', '10', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (7, '6', '25', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (8, '7', '87', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (9, '8', '28', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (10, '9', '32', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (11, '10', '68', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (12, '11', '42', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (13, '12', '11', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (14, '13', '60', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (15, '14', '91', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (16, '15', '85', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (17, '16', '7', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (18, '17', '75', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (19, '18', '29', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (20, '19', '40', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (21, '20', '22', '2016-04-13 20:52:16'), (22, '21', '92', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (23, '22', '28', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (24, '23', '30', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (25, '24', '56', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (26, '25', '45', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (27, '26', '86', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (28, '27', '18', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (29, '28', '74', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (30, '29', '84', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (31, '30', '29', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (32, '31', '4', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (33, '32', '73', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (34, '33', '65', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (35, '34', '89', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (36, '35', '59', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (37, '36', '75', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (38, '37', '13', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (39, '38', '46', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (40, '39', '2', '2016-04-13 20:52:17'), (41, '40', '45', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (42, '41', '13', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (43, '42', '44', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (44, '43', '55', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (45, '44', '73', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (46, '45', '34', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (47, '46', '40', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (48, '47', '79', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (49, '48', '8', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (50, '49', '68', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (51, '50', '19', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (52, '51', '30', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (53, '52', '60', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (54, '53', '46', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (55, '54', '60', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (56, '55', '15', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (57, '56', '91', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (58, '57', '45', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (59, '58', '33', '2016-04-13 20:52:18'), (60, '59', '65', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (61, '60', '28', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (62, '61', '61', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (63, '62', '68', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (64, '63', '1', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (65, '64', '26', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (66, '65', '57', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (67, '66', '60', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (68, '67', '100', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (69, '68', '70', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (70, '69', '5', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (71, '70', '2', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (72, '71', '14', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (73, '72', '18', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (74, '73', '45', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (75, '74', '68', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (76, '75', '90', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (77, '76', '79', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (78, '77', '7', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (79, '78', '69', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (80, '79', '87', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (81, '80', '75', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (82, '81', '87', '2016-04-13 20:52:19'), (83, '82', '16', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (84, '83', '34', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (85, '84', '33', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (86, '85', '76', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (87, '86', '49', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (88, '87', '24', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (89, '88', '20', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (90, '89', '81', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (91, '90', '88', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (92, '91', '48', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (93, '92', '42', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (94, '93', '56', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (95, '94', '48', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (96, '95', '67', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (97, '96', '13', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (98, '97', '7', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (99, '98', '66', '2016-04-13 20:52:20'), (100, '99', '82', '2016-04-13 20:52:20');
<?php define("host",""); define("username","_YOUR_USERNAME_"); define("pwd","YOUR_PASSWORD_"); define("db","test"); ?>
<?php require("get_feeds.php"); ?> <h3 align="center">Google LineCharts</h3> <!-- CDN charts !--> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!--END CDN charts !--> <!-- div to include the chart !--> <div id="chart_div"></div> <!-- END div to include the chart !--> <script> google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawCrosshairs); function drawCrosshairs() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('number', 'X'); data.addColumn('number', 'consumption'); data.addRows(<?php echo $out; ?>); var options = { hAxis: { title: 'Time' }, vAxis: { title: 'Percentage' }, colors: ['#536dfe'], crosshair: { color: '#000', trigger: 'selection' } }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); chart.draw(data, options); chart.setSelection([{row: 38, column: 1}]); } </script>