
12:02 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.  
Martin Luther King

I am always seeking new challenges for it is the best way to develop my capacities and technical skills and to share my knowledge while interacting with others.

Challenges list :
  1. 3S-Student challenge -2017
  2. TuniHack Hackathon -2016
  3. Elearning Hackathon - 2016
  4. IBM hackathon -2014
  5. TuniHack Hackathon -2016
  6. ACMTCPC -2014
  7. ACMTCPC -2015
  8. Google Hash code -2015
  9. InnovationCamp Injezz Tunisie -2016
  10. Startup pirate -2016
  11. Isetcom ACMPC -2015
  12. Microsoft devcamp -2015
  13.  Innovation Camp Injezz Tunisie -2015

Also , all the CTF challeneges