We made Our own Smart Artificial Assistant

10:30 PM MED Iheb Boussandel 2 Comments

When it comes to the level of intelligence different chatbots currently hold, there is a wide variety of them available in currently in the market. Chatbots are either rule-based or the ones that are truly based on machine learning. We are a team of 2 Tunisian IT students and we designed an Artificial Intelligent Assistant called 'Kara', who recognizes people talking to it, answer questions, tweet and facebook for users by vocal commands and Collect information, searches Facebook and chats instead of users on demand and chats with you and its funny there are more cool features that we are working on. 

What is KARA ?

Chat-bots seem to be climbing the proverbial peak of the tech hype curve with every passing day. Popular messaging apps have been attempting to outdo each other in terms of making their platforms open for bot development. Businesses are also rushing to embrace them, And its Just like real humans but better, here is an overview of the project and what we did so far our long-term goal is to create a web-based bot that could adapt itself according to the user's needs. Like learning what the user needs by talking . for example, if a user wants the robot to learn that he has important things to remember he will say : Kara remind me to go to the doctor at 7 pm and it will add the appointment to your calendar . The first prototype was just an overview of the project to see haw things could work

After some work included some new features and vocal control responses as following

What is Patricia ?!

Patricia is a conversational agent designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with one or more human users via facebook , it can understand several languages such as Arabic ,Russian-Japanese and so on ,enjoy endless funny conversations with Patricia ! hopefully, it learns from you.However, The project is still in beta version ,we have launched the Bot to some users [our friends and their friends] ,the bot has reached more than 30 talks with real users and it behaves very good ,even some users have shared their experience with it.we are looking to make it with full control on here facebook profile ,such as accepting friend request ,post things on here wall ,and make decisions to improve the power of the Artificial intelligence .

here is a real conversation with the bot :D ! Cute isn't ! I can't be here boyfriend :p !

Can we predict human behavior ?

Machines are able to analyze data, but humans are typically required to choose which data points are relevant for analysis. In three competitions with human teams, a machine made more accurate predictions than 615 of 906 human teams. And while humans worked on their predictive algorithms for months, the machine took two to 12 hours to produce each of its competition entries.Through this few days the Bot has learned a lot from people and get their behaviors to get out an image that looks like human and even think like them ,Humans can't get the real difference after talking a while with the machine ,they can't believe that the other side of the conversation is just an Algorithm that analyzes the data and makes connection with a huge database to reach every word and expression ,but ,on the other side ,we can note that we are more comfortable and honest to talk freely with thing that acts like anything else ! and accept us as we are ,therefore,we see that some people showing human feelings to the robot such as empathy ,love, and humor .some people even believe they feel more comfortable to talking with a robot than a stranger due to its smart responses .

Assistant Bots and Internet of things ?

The main idea of the Internet of things is to change the way of communication from Human to Human affair to Machine to Machine communication ,which computers are able to sense the environment around it through a bunch of sensors and analyse this huge number of data connects to the internet to share their experience with other nodes [computers ] ,In this case ,Smart bots will change the way of using our computers and interact more with technology .

Contact us

We exploit the technology and we relate things to brings out our ideas  !
The team developers of the project are :
Iheb ben Salem : Patricia chatBot [email ] : ihebbensalem@mail.com
Med Iheb Bousandel : Kara [email ] : bmiheb@gmailcom

revive your old Computer : 5 Lightweight Linux os

12:13 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Do you have some old hardware collecting dust in the basement, attic, or garage? Don’t let it go to waste just because it’s not powerful enough to run modern operating systemsWindows 8 may be lighter than Windows Vista, but it’s nowhere near as lightweight as these free Linux distributions. If you have an old Windows XP PC or a netbook, you can revive it with a lightweight Linux system. 

 All of these Linux distributions can run from a live USB drive, so you could even boot them directly from a USB drive. This may be faster than installing them to the computer’s slow, aging hard drive.

1. TinyCore

A Micro Core Linux as it’s developers say, Tiny core ISO file size is only 12MB and it comes with FLTK/FKWM and BusyBox desktop by default, of course many things are removed from this distribution like many hardware drivers but you can install them later if you want, it runs completely on memory which makes it very fast in fact, it was forked from Damn Small project but right now it is an independent Linux distribution.
Download os http://tinycorelinux.net/

  • 64 MB Ram
  • 512 MB Hard disc
  • Os size 16 MB +Gui
  • Works on Pentium 3 

2. Puppy Linux

Based on Ubuntu, Puppy Linux is another small distribution for old PCs, it loads into the RAM disk which means that it will be very fast on usage, You can boot it from any CD, DVD, USB Flash and Floppy Disk if you want, Thanks for being based on Ubuntu, all the 40000 packages that Ubuntu provides are able to be installed on Puppy Linux, the ISO file is no more than 100MB, it uses JWM and Openbox window managers by default, of course you can install any window manager you want, also, Puppy Linux developers have developed many special tools for Puppy Linux which makes it very usable.
Download os http://puppylinux.org/main/Overview%20and%20Getting%20Started.htm

  • 500MHZ processor 
  • 128MB RAM 
  • 512MB free hard drive space to create an optional save file 
  • No hard drive required to boot a Live Disc. 
  • CD-ROM any speed

3. Lubuntu

One of the most famous Linux distributions in the world, suited for Old PCs and based on Ubuntu and officially supported by Ubuntu Community, Lubuntu uses LXDE interface by default for its GUI, beside some other tweaks for RAM and CPU usage which makes it a good choice for old PCs and notebooks as well.
Download os http://lubuntu.net/

  • CPU: Pentium II or Celeron CPU with PAE support 
  • RAM: 128MB of RAM 
  •  HD: 2GB of hard-drive

4. VectorLinux Light

VectorLinux Light is the lightweight edition of Vector Linux. The developers claim it works well on systems with 256 MB of memory — you could even install the Barebone option instead, which will give you a graphical web browser that the developers say performs well on even a Pentium 3 with 128 MB of memory.
Download os http://vectorlinux.com/

  • 256 MB of memory
  • RAM 128 MB
  • Live CD ou installed on PC

5. Bodhi Linux

Bodhi Linux uses Enlightenment as the default desktop environment. Enlightenment is known for its extremely simple interface. Bodhi Linux releases LTS (Long Term Support) releases so you can stick with one version for as long as 5 years.
Download os http://www.bodhilinux.com/download/


  • 500mhz processor 
  • 128MB of RAM 
  • 4GB of drive space

What Is Your Favorite Lightweight Linux Distributions?

These are the five lightweight Linux distributions that can be installed on old desktops or laptops. Let us know by the poll below that what is your favorite lightweight desktop environment out of these 5.,If your favorite is other than these five then let us also know.