Nodes project /Tunisia eLearning Hackathon

3:49 PM Unknown 0 Comments

As the world need more technology to help students and teachers fulfill their objectives ,E-learning is essentials ,furthermore e-learning website and platforms are progressing very fast but they don't consider the importance of how student sees the information ,how he understand it and what is the differences between the pedagogical approaches,as some learn better by reading , other by visual interpretations , the need to centralize all the pedagogy into one effective system is important. ,with new technologies see the dawn ,like IOT and the virtual reality they are progressing and seem really in heat right now, we thought of them to fulfill our needs, so the main idea in our project is to make a virtual-real classroom ,where people can read, see and hear .

The real power of interactive technologies is that they let us learn in ways that aren’t otherwise possible or practical. - David Lassner. for that

What is Nodes project ?!

A new way of learning , an open source ,Hardware  platform based on VR technology for everyone That make E-learning a living experience for all in very fun and astonishing style.As if he was in a real classroom ,with virtual reality technology,and through the Holograms for scientific experiences , project and can give a nice and fulfilling interpretations of experiences like chemical reactions and circuits manipulation for students and also help teachers and entity's that can't afford some expensive materials to at least give their students the opportunities to see those experiences .

The core idea of the project is to make the virtual technology accessible for everyone to help students ,instructors and even professional to understand more the facts.The project is spat into 4 parts which are merged to one main idea to make the science more interactive .

Virtual reality headset : One important way VR headsets can increase immersion is to increase the field of view . how wide the picture is. A 360-degree display would be too expensive and unnecessary .
Hologram :The traditional projector are not interactive but with the hologram, we can turn the displaying of information more interactive with 3D picture and dynamic view ,which helps teachers to explain more the facts .In additional the VR headset is only limited for one individual otherwise hologram will be a good choice in the class .
IOT : Blocks board  is a platform of easy-to-use electronic building blocks that empower you to invent anything, from your own remote controlled car, to a smart home device. The blocks snap together with magnets, no soldering, no wiring, no programming needed.
Cross platform : its web application for technical(contributors ,makers ,teachers, and students) ,and nontechnical users(Artist ) to share and write their own tutorials and a store for the developers to create 3D applications for VR or 360 videos .Also ,to download the apk files to run the apps for the VR headset and download the 360° videos for the Hologram projector .

What we did ?!

  1. Blocks board

We have used a hand made  prototyping board based on Microchip pic18F4550 with Pinguino firmware ,the circuit was built before the contest ,but ,we have fixed some wires and problems that we have faced on the board .The other blocks are LED block, RGB LED block ,Relay block ,also another simple blocks to control things through IR remote using TSOP1738.
Here are the screenshots of one of the blocks with both boards Pinguino and Arduino  .

Led in action
Two board and one block

    2. VR Headset

We have tested a real VR headset (Oculus Rift) ,the experience was great ,but, even that the VR is not too much expensive ,the price still not accessible for everyone so we though making the google cardboard project which is very cheap and anyone can build it at home !! with a real good experience .
here are screenshots of the assembly process 

    3. Hologram 3D mobile projector

People think to create a hologram is really a difficult task but in fact, it's really an easy task as all you need is your i-pad and some plastic sheet Print out the template on a piece of paper

Print out the template on a piece of paper

Trace out the shape on the plastic sheet using a ruler and pen. For the trapezoid template, trace out four similar outlines on the plastic sheet. Now carefully cut out the outlines with a cutting blade and ruler. Try to achieve the cuts as precisely as possible for a perfect pyramid.and then you get this
[Here are our screenshot]

the pyramid is fixed on the tablet 

And then we covered the system with the box to decrease the lights out and to get an HD picture :D !
and then all you need is to find a hologram video on youtube, for example, this one 
We have provided educational videos such as Solar system ,real human Heart and some fish used for natural science . 
Here are screenshots of the final results 
Human Heart 

Solar system 

    4. Web platform

Our web platform was the central nodes where you can get anything ,as teachers and the community can add tutorials and articles , lessons and 360° videos to help others learn and scalp there skills we needed a platform to centralise all of that, so we need a strong solid platform for all of that and how lucky we are to find an open source strong platform that can fully be customised for our needs with that we can work on the norms faster thanks to open source community . We wrote some articles to improve the power of the web community application .
Here are the screenshots 
Homepage {As you can see the design is friendly and the web app is easy to use }

Create Tutorials page 

Example of article

    5. Nodes VR android application

The VR headset needs a 360-degree video to show  the  application with 3D interactive way  ,and our idea was to show up what is going inside the human body using the VR feature ,another wise seeking for the other application we have created our app that facilitates the access to a bunch of educational videos .Nodes VR was live during the challenge and uploaded to playStore ,the key feature of the application that is a human-friendly interface ,which is easy and fast .

All the videos are interactive .

24 h of hacking NON-STOP !

The hackathon was a great moment to share knowledge and meets people ,the experience we got was astonishing with the new people we met ,the great network we forged and the idea sharing was really overwhelming .
After 24 h ,giving a pitch front of the judge to present our work .You can find out the ppt file from this link [click]

Our Team

Award !

We made Our own Smart Artificial Assistant

10:30 PM MED Iheb Boussandel 2 Comments

When it comes to the level of intelligence different chatbots currently hold, there is a wide variety of them available in currently in the market. Chatbots are either rule-based or the ones that are truly based on machine learning. We are a team of 2 Tunisian IT students and we designed an Artificial Intelligent Assistant called 'Kara', who recognizes people talking to it, answer questions, tweet and facebook for users by vocal commands and Collect information, searches Facebook and chats instead of users on demand and chats with you and its funny there are more cool features that we are working on. 

What is KARA ?

Chat-bots seem to be climbing the proverbial peak of the tech hype curve with every passing day. Popular messaging apps have been attempting to outdo each other in terms of making their platforms open for bot development. Businesses are also rushing to embrace them, And its Just like real humans but better, here is an overview of the project and what we did so far our long-term goal is to create a web-based bot that could adapt itself according to the user's needs. Like learning what the user needs by talking . for example, if a user wants the robot to learn that he has important things to remember he will say : Kara remind me to go to the doctor at 7 pm and it will add the appointment to your calendar . The first prototype was just an overview of the project to see haw things could work

After some work included some new features and vocal control responses as following

What is Patricia ?!

Patricia is a conversational agent designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with one or more human users via facebook , it can understand several languages such as Arabic ,Russian-Japanese and so on ,enjoy endless funny conversations with Patricia ! hopefully, it learns from you.However, The project is still in beta version ,we have launched the Bot to some users [our friends and their friends] ,the bot has reached more than 30 talks with real users and it behaves very good ,even some users have shared their experience with it.we are looking to make it with full control on here facebook profile ,such as accepting friend request ,post things on here wall ,and make decisions to improve the power of the Artificial intelligence .

here is a real conversation with the bot :D ! Cute isn't ! I can't be here boyfriend :p !

Can we predict human behavior ?

Machines are able to analyze data, but humans are typically required to choose which data points are relevant for analysis. In three competitions with human teams, a machine made more accurate predictions than 615 of 906 human teams. And while humans worked on their predictive algorithms for months, the machine took two to 12 hours to produce each of its competition entries.Through this few days the Bot has learned a lot from people and get their behaviors to get out an image that looks like human and even think like them ,Humans can't get the real difference after talking a while with the machine ,they can't believe that the other side of the conversation is just an Algorithm that analyzes the data and makes connection with a huge database to reach every word and expression ,but ,on the other side ,we can note that we are more comfortable and honest to talk freely with thing that acts like anything else ! and accept us as we are ,therefore,we see that some people showing human feelings to the robot such as empathy ,love, and humor .some people even believe they feel more comfortable to talking with a robot than a stranger due to its smart responses .

Assistant Bots and Internet of things ?

The main idea of the Internet of things is to change the way of communication from Human to Human affair to Machine to Machine communication ,which computers are able to sense the environment around it through a bunch of sensors and analyse this huge number of data connects to the internet to share their experience with other nodes [computers ] ,In this case ,Smart bots will change the way of using our computers and interact more with technology .

Contact us

We exploit the technology and we relate things to brings out our ideas  !
The team developers of the project are :
Iheb ben Salem : Patricia chatBot [email ] :
Med Iheb Bousandel : Kara [email ] : bmiheb@gmailcom

revive your old Computer : 5 Lightweight Linux os

12:13 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Do you have some old hardware collecting dust in the basement, attic, or garage? Don’t let it go to waste just because it’s not powerful enough to run modern operating systemsWindows 8 may be lighter than Windows Vista, but it’s nowhere near as lightweight as these free Linux distributions. If you have an old Windows XP PC or a netbook, you can revive it with a lightweight Linux system. 

 All of these Linux distributions can run from a live USB drive, so you could even boot them directly from a USB drive. This may be faster than installing them to the computer’s slow, aging hard drive.

1. TinyCore

A Micro Core Linux as it’s developers say, Tiny core ISO file size is only 12MB and it comes with FLTK/FKWM and BusyBox desktop by default, of course many things are removed from this distribution like many hardware drivers but you can install them later if you want, it runs completely on memory which makes it very fast in fact, it was forked from Damn Small project but right now it is an independent Linux distribution.
Download os

  • 64 MB Ram
  • 512 MB Hard disc
  • Os size 16 MB +Gui
  • Works on Pentium 3 

2. Puppy Linux

Based on Ubuntu, Puppy Linux is another small distribution for old PCs, it loads into the RAM disk which means that it will be very fast on usage, You can boot it from any CD, DVD, USB Flash and Floppy Disk if you want, Thanks for being based on Ubuntu, all the 40000 packages that Ubuntu provides are able to be installed on Puppy Linux, the ISO file is no more than 100MB, it uses JWM and Openbox window managers by default, of course you can install any window manager you want, also, Puppy Linux developers have developed many special tools for Puppy Linux which makes it very usable.
Download os

  • 500MHZ processor 
  • 128MB RAM 
  • 512MB free hard drive space to create an optional save file 
  • No hard drive required to boot a Live Disc. 
  • CD-ROM any speed

3. Lubuntu

One of the most famous Linux distributions in the world, suited for Old PCs and based on Ubuntu and officially supported by Ubuntu Community, Lubuntu uses LXDE interface by default for its GUI, beside some other tweaks for RAM and CPU usage which makes it a good choice for old PCs and notebooks as well.
Download os

  • CPU: Pentium II or Celeron CPU with PAE support 
  • RAM: 128MB of RAM 
  •  HD: 2GB of hard-drive

4. VectorLinux Light

VectorLinux Light is the lightweight edition of Vector Linux. The developers claim it works well on systems with 256 MB of memory — you could even install the Barebone option instead, which will give you a graphical web browser that the developers say performs well on even a Pentium 3 with 128 MB of memory.
Download os

  • 256 MB of memory
  • RAM 128 MB
  • Live CD ou installed on PC

5. Bodhi Linux

Bodhi Linux uses Enlightenment as the default desktop environment. Enlightenment is known for its extremely simple interface. Bodhi Linux releases LTS (Long Term Support) releases so you can stick with one version for as long as 5 years.
Download os


  • 500mhz processor 
  • 128MB of RAM 
  • 4GB of drive space

What Is Your Favorite Lightweight Linux Distributions?

These are the five lightweight Linux distributions that can be installed on old desktops or laptops. Let us know by the poll below that what is your favorite lightweight desktop environment out of these 5.,If your favorite is other than these five then let us also know.

5 alternatives to Raspberry PI 2&3

1:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

The Raspberry Pi 2 and Pi 3 have taken the world by storm and created a huge interest in single-board computers; their simplicity, portability, and affordability make them great for tinkerers and kids alike. But not everyone wants a Pi. If you’re looking for something a little different, you can find it in one of the great Raspberry Pi alternatives.Here is my list of the most powerful alternatives board .

1. PineA64 { 15$ }

WORLD’S FIRST $15 Gaming Machine !

PINE64 is an open source platform from both hardware to software. It’s a versatile single board computer capable of running today’s most advanced 64 bit version of Android and Linux. Our goal is to bring the most affordable 64-Bit computing solution to the world. Use the PINE64 to build your next computer, tablet, gaming device, media player, and just almost anything you can think of.

2. Banana Pi { 49$ }

 1GHz A20 dual-core processor and 1 GB RAM under its hood, Banana Pi is a $49 high-end SBC that’s much faster than the Raspberry Pi. However, its Mali GPU is significantly inferior to the VideoCore GPU of the Raspberry Pi 2.

3. Intel Galileo Gen2 { 45$ }

Intel joins the race with its $45 Galileo Gen2, which offers Adruino support and its ability to boot without the need of external memory. The board runs on 32-bit Quark SoC X1000 processor with a clock speed up to 400 MHz.

4. BeagleBone Black { 30$ }

Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes with just a single USB cable,” promises the BeagleBone website. It’s tough to beat that. It can run Debian, Ubuntu, and Android out of the box, and there are a lot of developers out there who will have other ideas about what it should do.
BeagleBone Web site

5. UDOO x86 { 90$ }

UDOO X86 is the New PC: the most powerful x86 maker board ever and an Arduino™ 101-compatible platform, all embedded on the same board. 

 On UDOO X86 you can run all the software available for the PC world, from gaming to video streaming, from graphical editors to professional development platforms, plus all the software or the Arduino™ 101 world, including all the sketches, libraries and the official Arduino™ 101 IDE. You won’t ever worry about lack of drivers or stuff like that. 

This is a true next-generation computer. It is based on Quad Core 64-bit new-generation x86 processors made by Intel®, designed for the PC domain. Prodigious processors concentrated in 14 nm, with an amount of energy consumption of 5 or 6 Watt.
Watch this Demo about UDOO x86

Some comparison between boards

My favorite one is UDOO it's really the most powerful one and it can replace your computer .
What are your thoughts?  Let us know in the discussion below.

Arduino vs Raspberry PI ?!

3:21 AM Unknown 0 Comments

The Arduino vs Raspberry Pi debate has caused a bit of confusion to beginners on what these 2 little devices actually do. They are both pretty cheap, the same size, and to the untrained eye, look very similar. However they are very different. They both are focused on very different ideas.

What is the main difference between the two?

Arduino is a micro-controller.Micro-controller is a simple computer that can run one program at a time, over and over again. It is very easy to use.  

A Raspberry Pi is a general-purpose computer(Mini PC), usually with a Linux operating system, and the ability to run multiple programs. It is more complicated to use than an Arduino.

What would I use each for?

Make magazine (one of the biggest Makers community in the world ) have answered this question with a brief explanation. 
Arduino is best used for simple repetitive tasks: opening and closing a garage door, reading the outside temperature and reporting it to Twitter, driving a simple robot. 
Raspberry Pi is best used when you need a full-fledged computer: driving a more complicated robot, performing multiple tasks, doing intense calculations (as for Bitcoin or encryption)

How to decide between the 2 when am working on project?

Here is an easy way to decide between the two gadgets ,its pretty easy method. If you can describe it with less than two ‘and’s, get an Arduino. If you need more than two ‘and’s, get a Raspberry Pi.

What is the best way to start with all of this stuff ?!

I think as a beginner you should start with Arduino it's easy and have very large community around the world ,so basically ,any question or problem should be solved in few seconds when you just google it .
here is a rich source to start with Sparkfun-arduino.Raspberry pi is also very useful when you work on an advanced projects ,it's help a lot to integrate the computers power and the micro-controllers ability .
here is a good pdf to start with RPI

Communities and projects ?!

 If you are looking for inspiration ,good projects ,DIY or how to make things here is a list of the biggest communities that every Maker or Geek should know about it .


SparkFun Electronics is an electronics retailer in Niwot, Colorado, United States. It manufactures and sells microcontroller development boards and breakout boards. All products designed and produced by SparkFun are released as open-source hardware.


Instructables is a website specializing in user-created and uploaded do-it-yourself projects, which other users can comment on and rate for quality.

Discover. Get inspired. Repeat. Hack things for the better. Learn and grow from the example of others. Pass it on by showing off your own hardware adventures.


Makezine: Make magazine

Makezine celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will.


What are your thoughts? Do you think there are others DEV board that should have been listed? Let us know in the discussion below.

Hcon Web browser Security Testing Framework

3:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments


HconSTF is one the most powerful web browser framework for pentester's ,no need for a Linux distribution to scan targets ,test SQL injections on websites or even change the requests to the server ,its include and provide a bunch of tools that could be explored from the web browser itself .

Am using Hcon since 2013 and I find it very useful and powerful ,it's my best tool for web tasks in the CTF contests :D ! (TH3_1s_N0T_SECRET_ANY_M0R3 :p )

What is Hcon ?!!!

HconSTF is Open Source Penetration Testing Framework based on different browser technologies, Which helps any security professional to assists in the Penetration testing or vulnerability scanning assessments.contains webtools which are powerful in doing xss(cross site scripting), Sql injection, siXSS, CSRF, Trace XSS, RFI, LFI, etc. Even useful to anybody interested in information security domain - students, Security Professionals,web developers, manual vulnerability assessments and much more.
Download Hcon
[Linux x86,x64]

Some Highlight Features :

  • Categorized and comprehensive toolset 
  • Contains hundreds of tools and features and script for different tasks like SQLi,XSS,Dorks,OSINT to name a few 
  • HconSTF webUI with online tools (same as the Aqua base version of HconSTF) 
  • Each and every option is configured for penetration testing and Vulnerability assessments 
  • Specially configured and enhanced for gaining easy & solid anonymity 
  • Works for web app testing assessments specially for owasp top 10 Easy to use & collaborative Operating System like interface 
  • Light on Hardware Resources 
  • Portable - no need to install, can work from any USB storage device 
  • Multi-Language support (feature in heavy development translators needed) 
  • Works side-by-side with your normal web browser without any conflict issues 
  • Works on both architectures x86 & x64 on windows XP, Vista, 7 (works with ubuntu linux using wine) Netbook compatible - User interface is designed for using framework on small screen sizes 
  • Free & Open source and always will be

Categories of tools :

  • Information gathering / Analysis 
  • Editors / Debuggers 
  • Exploitation / Auditing 
  • Anonymity 
  • Passwords 
  • Cryptography 
  • Database Scripting / Automation 
  • Network Utilities 
  • Reporting

Anonymous mode 

This one of my favorite feature on Hcon .The anonymous mode can turn it on/off ,also,integrates the proxy tools and Tor roots proxies by defaults.

Search engines 

In the HconSTF menu bar you can find all the search engines listed and ordered by default .

How to use it ?!

Here is a live exemple to decrypt base64  using CryptoFox toolbar on Hcon
hash: Tk9ERU1F

decrypt base64: