10 Awesome Sublime Snippets for Web Development

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What is Snippets ?!

Whether you are coding or writing the next vampire best-seller, you’re likely to need certain short fragments of text again and again. Use snippets to save yourself tedious typing. 

Snippets are smart templates that will insert text for you and adapt it to their context. Snippets can be stored under any package’s folder, but to keep it simple while you’re learning, you can save them to your Packages/User folder.

1. Bootstrap Snippets

A sublime plugin complete with Bootstrap 3 snippets .
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2. Emmet

Emmet is a useful plugin that saves time by making you write less, thus increasing your productivity. Emmet is available for other text editors like Notepad++ and Eclipse.
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3. JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets

A collection of shorthand snippets for writing common JavaScript expressions much faster. Why write document.querySelector('selector'); 
when you can simply type qs, press tab, and let Sublime do the rest of the work.
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4. ColorPicker

A tiny, useful color picker that is very simple to use and great for quickly grabbing color hex values. The plugin opens in a separate window and allows you to choose a color from a palette or use an eye dropper to extract color from anywhere on your screen.
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5. Code-igniter Snippets

This is a Sublime Text package that plans to include a complete list of snippets for all classes, libraries and helpers on CodeIgniter PHP framework. Inspired on Marco Monteiro CI-Snippets and David Ferguson CI TextMate Bunddle
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6. All autocomplete

Sublime Text’s default autocomplete considers words that are present in the current file only. The All Autocomplete plug-in, however, searches all open files to find matches while suggesting words.

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7. Js-Beautifier 

When you open up a js file with txt format it look messy ,this plugin get beautifier the code to looks clean again .

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8. GIT

These days, more often than not, you are going to work with a version control software, and the most popular VCS is Git. Are you tired of saving your text files and switching back to the terminal to run a few Git commands. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could execute Git commands from the text editor itself? Install the Git plugin and get more done in less time!
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9. Bracket Highlighter

Bracket Highlighter matches a variety of brackets such as: [], (), {}, "", '', #!xml , and even custom brackets.
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10. Smart Snippets

SMART Snippets is a new Sublime Text plugin that aims to enhance your overall coding experience. With SMART Snippets, You can now use Python to dynamically create snippets. Need to quickly timestamp your code? Unfortunately, ST2's default snippets are static.

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How to install Snippets to Sublime Edit Text ?!

There is a lot of tutorial on the net included the installation guide of the snippets .In a previous i have written a post about this ,Check it now ! 

How to create my own snippets ?!

This actually a very good question ,there is an official guide published by the Sublime developer team check out there post !