bootstrap 3 sublime snippets

11:32 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Even though SublimeText comes with a bunch of great features that help our work as web developers, like any other tool, there will always be a room for enhancements. This is when plugins can be real useful .
Bootstrap snippets is really useful when you deal with the bootstrap framework to enhance writing code and adding component to you projects.

Installation the package from Github
2.Extract the zip file Sublime Edit Text
click Preferences=>Browse packages(small windows w'll be opened with bunch of files)

4.CUT/Past the exctracted file into this window

Bootstrap style -rock out it's works :p

 Let's Star The Fun
let's add now new web page(waw it's blink :p ,let's bootstrap it)

click:                           Ctrl+Shift+p
main menu w'll be appears
in the search bar bs3-html5-template
Running the Code :D

(i have added navbar here :D it's look really good bs3-navbar)